Matthew 10:26-33

12th Week of Ordinary Time, year A.


1) What struck me about the text? What did I find helpful / interesting / challenging ...

2) How do we identify the "lost sheep" we are called to preach to?

3) Does it make a difference whether we "shout from the rooftops" from our comfort zones or from positions of vulnerability? Where are the places I might be called to accept someone else's hospitality in order to better share the gospel?

4) Are we called to preach to receptive audiences who are ready to listen? Or are there times when we should be shouting from the rooftops to people who really don't want to hear?

5) What is the message we are called to share?

6) How do we strike the right balance between when we should 'shout from the rooftops' and when we should 'do our good deeds in hiding' and 'not tell anyone what has happened'. What helps us discern which is right in different situations?