Matthew 17: 1 - 9

(and Matthew 3:13 - 17)

2nd Sunday of Lent, year A.


1) First thoughts

2) In what situations in my life do I most easily recognise God? Does God seem more present at low points / high points / in the ordinary every day? How do the points where I feel God strongly, and those where I don't interact with each other in feeding my faith?

3) How do I imagine this voice of God? Tone, volume, expression, emphasis? Do I imagine it sounding similar at both the baptism and the transfiguration?

4) At what points do I find I need my identity as a child of God affirmed just for myself, at what points do I need it affirmed for the benefit of others, and at what points do I need the identity of others as children of God affirmed for me? Do I (and how do I) hear / experience these different affirmations?

5) Is there a significance to the inclusion of the instruction "listen to me" from the voice that speaks at the transfiguration (or it's exclusion at the baptism)