Matthew 28:16-20

John 17:1-11

Ascension Day, and 7th Sunday of Easter


1. During the historical period of Jesus life, was there a “blip” in his nature which somehow transformed Christ.

2. Similarly was there a blip therefore in the nature of GODhead, in the nature of Trinity. Was GOD ever the same again.

3. When Jesus’s incarnate, historical life came to an end, was he restored to former Christ-glory? was it always a part of him? was it somehow “enhanced” by his earthly sojourn? Is that what we mean by redemption.

4. What are your experiences of separation? How did you respond?

5. Traumatic separations sometimes trigger compensatory initiatives – charities are set up in the name of loved ones etc. Do you sense any element of this in the Gospel stories – retrieving the Phoenix from the ashes of the crucifixion?

6. How do you experience the presence of people you love, who you are separated from for any reason?