Discovering a God who hungers for justice

A Weekend at the Catholic Worker Farm, led by Pax Christi, Faith and Resistance Network, and FaithJustice.

On the hottest weekend of the year so far a group gathered at the Catholic Worker farm in Hertfordshire for the latest FaithJustice weekend, Discovering a God Who Hungers for Justice. The weekend focused on Christian responses to the arms trade.

The Farm was a very relaxed setting for the weekend, in such a place there was a great contrast with realities of war and conflict which sometimes felt far away. In between each session there was time for informal conversation and individual quiet time.

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Aisling Griffin of Pax Christi led a session introducing the arms trade, she shared with us a series of infograms detailing where most weapons are manufactured, sold and used. This was followed by a bible study led by Sr. Theodora Hawksley cj. She shared with us some reflections on Paul’s understanding of reconciliation. In the afternoon Scott Albrecht, of the Catholic Worker Farm, spoke about prophetic imagination and offered a reading of the Exodus story as a symbolic deconstruction of the Egyptian regime which was oppressing the Hebrew people. The fourth session of the day was a sharing of stories of activism and resistance.

The weekend focused in part on the DSEi arms fair due to take place this coming September in London - find out how to get involved in opposing the fair here.

On the Sunday morning we gathered for small group discussion each person attempting to share their own reflections on the input they had received the previous day. Then we shared mass together in the sunshine.

A big thank you to all at the Catholic Worker Farm who hosted us.