IMG 20240809 WA0016a

Peace Pairs Project

Could you be an intergenerational Peacemaker?

Peace Pairs is an intergenerational mutual co-learning programme bringing peacemakers of different generations together to learn from each other’s experiences and support one another in their journey.

Pax Christi USA are now in their third year of running a similar programme and, after a time of discernment, Pax Christi has decided to bring this experience to England and Wales.

During this year, we will pair up peacemakers in their 20s and 30s with peacemakers from an older generation who share a common Peacemaking interest.

However you see yourself working for peace through justice, we would aim to pair peacemakers who would affirm and encourage each other. We will ask participants to meet regularly with their partner (by Zoom/Teams/Skype or in person) for twelve months to explore their common interests and grow together as peacemakers.

The times and ways of meeting would be up to the pairs to decide. You would also have the opportunity to meet three times during the year in a larger group to reflect with us and your peers on your experiences and what you have been learning.

Aisling from Pax Christi will also be available should you need support outside of the planned meetings.

Creativity and collaboration are at the heart of Peacemaking, and so we ask that by the end of the year each pair have created something together to share what they have learnt. It could be a webinar, article, poem… whatever works best for your pair!

During the year, Pax Christi would also aim to enable and empower all participants to explore the spirituality of nonviolence and the role it plays in working for peace through justice.

If you would be interested in learning more about the programme, please contact Aisling at