Creation Care is a six-session course developed to help Christians respond to the Climate Emergency. Across the course, you’ll be invited to read, pray, discuss, and consider how we are called to react to the huge challenge facing us.
Two upcoming opportunities to join a group
on Zoom
Mondays 8th November - 13th December, 7.00pm-8.30pm
In person in Birmingham
Thursdays at The Church at Carrs Lane, B4 7SX. 4th November - 9th December, 6.00pm - 7.30pm
Go to: , register then click "Join A Course"
The course was developed in 2020, and we’re now making it freely available for anyone to run. The course materials found here are a free resource, made available through the Creative Commons license: the sessions are a mixture of videos, interviews, book extracts, and questions to help order your discussions. You’re free to adapt and add to the materials if you’d like to.
How to Run
Creation Care was developed so it can be run in ‘lockdown’ conditions; but it can also be run in person, or as a mixture of the two.
All that’s needed for the course are a small group of people (we recommend between 4 and 10) and the materials on this site. The course was originally run on six consecutive weeks, but you can arrange your dates how you wish.
We’re in the process of developing this platform further, so that you can plan the dates for your sessions, invite people by email, and include your Zoom links (or locations) for attendees.
If you need help
We’ve developed this web platform specifically for Creation Care, so if you come across any difficulties with the course, or even would like to suggest improvements for its functionality, feel free to email us at, or send us a message on the ‘Help’ page, in the top menu.