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Christian Responses to the Climate Emergency

We are all facing a huge challenge. Science is telling us that we are already experiencing climate chaos across the world, and much worse is facing us in coming years and decades.

As Christians we are called to be awake to the realities of our world (Mark 13:37). So the responsibility falls on us to reflect on the Climate Emergency; to discuss, to read the bible, to pray, to mourn; and to consider how we are called to respond.

We have created six sessions which we hope will help you to begin this process of reflection and discernment.

Below there are links below to resources on each topic, and some questions for small group discussion.

Why not think about setting up a group to follow the course? Or following the sessions with an existing group.

1) The Science

A basic overview to the science of the Climate Emergency.

Christian Responses to the Climate Emergency: Session 1

2) Biblical Perspectives

What do our scriptures tells us about God's relationship with the natural world, and humanity's place in that world?

Christian Responses to the Climate Emergency: Session 2

3) Emotional Responses

A reflective session exploring our emotional responses to the Climate Emergency.

Christian Responses to the Climate Emergency: Session 3

4) Taking Non-Violent Direct Action

Why and how NVDA can be a way of working for change.

Christian Responses to the Climate Emergency: Session 4

5) Divestment

Exploring Divestment from companies and industries which cause harm to the climate.

Christian Responses to the Climate Emergency: Session 5

6) Living Sustainably

Exploring how we can commit to living more sustainably and embrace a different relationship with the natural world.

Christian Responses to the Climate Emergency: Session 6

Each session will opens up a theme relating to the Climate Emergency. We encourage you to continue your thinking and discussion beyond this conversation.